About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Updated Points

Points standings for the jackpots through 08/17/2015 for Youth Barrels, Open Barrels, Youth Poles, and Open Poles are posted to the right-side of the website!

Points are calculated by rider-horse combination. Points are awarded as such: 5 points to 1st place in each division, 4 points to 2nd, 3 points to 3rd, 2 points to 4th, and 1 point to 5th. A membership must have been purchased ($25 open; $15 youth) prior to competing in order to receive points. If you did NOT turn in a completed membership form to the crow's nest, we do not have record of you becoming a member.

REMEMBER: YOU MUST ATTEND AT LEAST HALF THE YEAR'S JACKPOTS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR YEAR-END AWARDS!!!! (We are still going to re-schedule the two canceled jackpots, location and date TBD.)

Please contact statelinejackpot@gmail.com if you see a discrepancy in the points, have a wrong horse name down for a rider, or believe the points have been done incorrectly by any means.

Thanks and see you Monday in Lewiston!