About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Membership Meeting Wednesday Night

Just a reminder for all of you of the membership meeting on Wednesday night for those that have suggestions for the association. This meeting is open to all members. We will be discussing those items mentioned in the memo sent out last week. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding Stateline Jackpot Association, please come on Wednesday. It is NOT mandatory to attend this meeting; it is purely for discussion of the upcoming season.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26 at 6:30 p.m. at LD's Cafe in Richmond, UT. The address for LD's Cafe is 39 W Main Street. (Turn east at the Richmond stoplight, go 1/2 block east until you see the only restaurant (white building) on the south side of the road.)

Hope to see you all there! Again, it is NOT mandatory to attend, only if you want to listen in on discussion. I will send out an email later this week summarizing the night's discussion.

**If you haven't picked up your 2013 membership jacket, you may pick it up at this meeting.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Stateline Jackpot 2014 Memo & Rule Changes

Hello Stateline Jackpot Association members!!

Is it spring yet??  This rain and sunshine sure feels like spring!

The email account has not been checked since the awards banquet in October, so please be patient while I catch up with the 100+ emails from members.  Hopefully this post and memo will answer most of your questions.

Below is a memorandum containing some concerns that were taken from the questionnaires at the 2013 awards banquet.  PLEASE READ THE MEMO.  

There will be a member meeting held the night of February 26, location to be determined.  Any concerns with the proposals in the memo below can be voiced at this meeting.   You may also pick up your member jackets at this meeting if you did not receive it at the awards banquet.  I apologize, but I still have way too many jackets to arrange individual pick-ups.

Our first jackpot is proposed for April 14 in the *NEW* Tremonton indoor arena.  This is 8 weeks away, so start prepping your horses!

Hope to see you next Wednesday night, February 26!  (I will let you know of a location ASAP - the time will be 6:30/7:00ish.)

Stateline Jackpot Association


TO:                  Stateline Jackpot Members and Participants

FROM:            Stateline Jackpot Association

DATE:            February 17, 2014

SUBJECT:      2014 Jackpots

Beginning January 2014, a few volunteer members met to discuss the questionnaire filled out by members from the 2013 awards banquet.  The questionnaires and concerns for the 2014 jackpots were discussed, along with suggestions for any association rule changes to be made to improve the Stateline Jackpot Association.

The dates for the 2014 jackpots were suggested as follows:
April 14 – Tremonton (*NEW indoor) arena
May 5 – Preston arena
May 19 – Malad arena
June 2 – Logan arena
June 30 – Lewiston arena
July 14 – Preston arena
August 4 – Tremonton (outdoor) arena
August 18 – Preston arena
September 8 – Logan arena
September 22 – Tremonton (outdoor/indoor) arena, depending on weather conditions

These dates and arenas will be reserved by volunteers of the association, but are not yet finalized for the 2014 Stateline jackpots.

The lack of gate/barrel/pole setters was also discussed as a continuing problem for the last few years.  The jackpots for 2013 did not run quickly or efficiently because of the lack of volunteers to help set the gates, barrels, and poles.  It was suggested to increase the entry fees by $1 as a donation to the gate/barrel/pole setters.  This would increase the open entry fees to $26 ($28 for nonmembers) and the youth entry fees to $16 ($18 for nonmembers).  This $1 per run pot will be split between the gate helpers, barrel setters, and pole setters (and possibly announcers and tractor help) that stay for the entire duration of the jackpot (beginning with youth barrels at 6:30 p.m. and ending with open poles). 

Because of the lack of help in set up and timers/announcers for the time-only runs before the jackpot (from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.), it was proposed to remove the time-only runs before the jackpot begins.  The youth barrels will continue to start at 6:30 p.m.  Volunteers will now only need to show up at 5:30 p.m. to stake for youth barrels instead of 4:00 p.m. to stake the arena for time-only runs.  Time-only barrel runs will still be conducted after the time-only pole runs.  The order of events is proposed as follows: youth barrels (starting at 6:30 p.m.), open barrels, youth poles, open poles, time-only poles, time-only barrels.

The uneven division splits (number of runners falling into each of the divisions) were another concern voiced by members at the 2013 Stateline banquet.  It was recommended to split the open divisions evenly by full-second splits.  With full-second splits, the division separations will be as follows: 1D = fastest time, 2D = fastest time + 1 second, 3D = fastest time + 2 seconds.  After testing the average of the jackpots from the 2013 season, this will better separate the divisions evenly between the 3 divisions.  Youth events will continue to split each division with full-second splits as well.

It was proposed to change the year-end awards to include a saddle as a high-point “grand” prize.  The saddle winner will be the member (youth or open) with the most points on a single horse in a single event in a single division.  The high-point winner will still need to follow Stateline Jackpot Association rules (i.e. compete in at least 5 jackpots, obtain a paid membership to earn points and awards, etc.)  To offset the cost of the high-point saddle, Stateline will only go down to 5 places in each division for year-end awards, eliminating the 6th and 7th place awards (as given in past years). 

These suggestions and rule changes are not finalized.  A meeting will be held on the night of February 26, 2014 (6:30 p.m.?) for all Stateline Jackpot members to voice concerns and comment on the proposals stated in this memorandum, location to be determined.  If you did not attend the jackpot and you have a member jacket from the 2013 season that has not been picked up, you can pick up your jacket at this meeting.  If you have comments about these proposed changes, make sure you attend this meeting or have a representative there.  Email responses may not be received prior to the meeting on February 26.
