About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Fingers Crossed for Good Weather

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the rain stops by early this afternoon!!!  Mother Nature does NOT like our jackpots lately!

If we do end up canceling the jackpot tonight, we will let everyone know by sending out emails to our list, posting to the website statelinejackpot.blogspot.com, and we will also keep updates on the Stateline Jackpot Facebook page. We will update all social media as soon as updates become available.

Hope to see you all tonight!!