About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Jamie Barnes Family Benefit - STILL ON!!!

The Benefit Barrel Race and Team Roping for this Saturday is STILL ON!!!

Oneida County and Stateline Jackpot Association are working on the arena conditions as we speak! THERE IS NO STANDING WATER IN THE ARENA - you can walk through the arena without getting your boots muddy! The arena has been worked, it is drying out quickly, it will NOT be slick, and tomorrow's weather forecast is BEAUTIFUL!

Please remember that tomorrow's events are for the sole purpose of a FAMILY BENEFIT. While there is a 60/30 payback, the barrel race and team roping is for the benefit of Jamie Barnes' family, not for competition. Please come and support this family regardless of arena conditions.

BARREL RACERS - ENTER UP NOW!!!!! See the flyer for details. We will also take late entries tomorrow morning at the race.