About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Awards Banquet - October 29

The awards banquet will be held Monday, October 29 in the Robinson Building in Preston, Idaho at 7 p.m. (The buidling is located just south of the Preston fairgrounds.) Members will get their meals FREE, but non-members that attend the banquet will be charged $7 at the door. We ask that everyone RSVP to the banquet since we are getting the meat and potatoes catered.  RSVP by sending an email to statelinejackpot@gmail.com

We also ask that each family/group bring a side dish or dessert. 

If your last name begins with:
A-M = bring a side dish
N-Z = bring a dessert

**Please RSVP the number of people in your party by Friday, October 19 so we can get a fairly accurate head count for the caterer.**  Email statelinejackpot@gmail.com to RSVP