About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Jackpot in smaller outdoor arena in Tremonton

The Tremonton draw has now been emailed out and is posted below.  We will be taking late entries tonight to be added at the end of the draw.  We are unfortunately out of room for the time-only barrels before the jackpot, but time-onlys will still be run after poles.

The jackpot will be run in the SMALL OUTDOOR ARENA, which is located just north of the big, outdoor arena and west of the indoor arena.

Thanks and see you there!