Members will get their meals for free!! Non-members will be charged $5 at the door. Meat and potatoes will be provided. In order to maintain low costs for our members and their families, please bring the following potluck meal contribution to the banquet to share:
*A-L (last name) - please bring a side dish/salad to share
*M-Z (last name) - please bring a dessert to share
Jackets will be available at the banquet. Awards will also be presented at this time. (I apologize for not getting the FINALIZED points out to everyone; I am dotting every "i" and crossing every "t" to make sure everything is perfect and no one gets cheated. They WILL BE DONE TOMORROW IF IT KILLS ME.) If you cannot attend the banquet to receive your jacket/award, please inform us of another person that will be picking up your jacket/award, or make other arrangements to pick these items up after the banquet.
Every youth member will get an award!!! Make sure that youth members and their families come to the banquet to receive their jackets and awards.
**We do need a fairly accurate count for the meat and potatoes that will be provided. Please email statelinejackpot@gmail.comwith your member name and total people that will be attending the banquet so we can have an accurate meal count.
Every youth member will get an award!!! Make sure that youth members and their families come to the banquet to receive their jackets and awards.
**We do need a fairly accurate count for the meat and potatoes that will be provided. Please email statelinejackpot@gmail.comwith your member name and total people that will be attending the banquet so we can have an accurate meal count.