About Stateline Jackpot

Stateline Jackpot is a 4D barrel racing and 2D pole bending association. Founded in 2007, our association welcomes members as well as nonmembers. We encourage and invite all ages and abilities to participate. A very relaxed atmosphere for the beginners, as well as competitive events for the more experienced riders.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Logan Draw 09-08

Below is the draw for tomorrow night's barrel race in Logan (big rodeo arena). Late entries will be taken tomorrow night in the crow's nest at the jackpot.

**REMINDER**Members must attend at least 5 jackpots to eligible for year-end awards. We only have 3 jackpots left (including tomorrow's jackpot), so please plan accordingly. Ties for awards will be broken by NUMBER OF JACKPOTS ATTENDED as well, so make sure you attend as many jackpots as possible. We are hoping to hold our make up jackpot on September 29, so please mark your calendars and keep this date in mind. We will let you know for sure this date and the location as soon as we can.

Youth barrels will start at 6:30, followed by open barrels, youth poles, open poles, time only poles, and time only barrels. If you are not going to make it or will be late, please text/call 435-232-0775.

If you would like to be a PAID barrel setter, please contact us ASAP!!

See you tomorrow in Logan!!

Youth Barrels
1. Kaylie Greene - Pistol
2. Myka Beckstead - Mosey
3. Taylor Golightly - Gray
4. Bella Smith - Hooter Bug
5. Brock Alder - Ruger
6. Teygan Christensen - Bunny
7. Brinley Jenson - Roany
8. Jacee Winward - Ticker
9. Kodi Ann Phillips - Abbey
10. Rayleigh Barnes - Jazzy
11. Rayson Hillman - Roanie
12. Kelsey Hillman - Bulls Eye

Open Barrels
1. Callie Smith - Butch
2. Kiara Wanner - Chapy
3. Lacey Boehme - Taylor
4. Hailee Jenson - Tonka
5. Megan Morgan - Misty
6. Tanya Carroll - Quila
7. Mandy Jasperson
8. Brook Layne - Wanda
9. Shayla Christensen - Tia
10. Lakken Mickelson - Copenhagen
11. Krisann Johnson - Blazen Host
12. Lee Hollingsworth - Roxy
13. Sherise Timothy - Bob Acre Nick
14. Shayane Sanders - Coke
15. Jamie Olsen - Wrangler
16. Amy Kendall - Jerry
17. Kacee Christensen - Six
18. Diane Morgan - Te
19. Kallee Warren - Leader
20. Taycee Jardine - Peppy
21. Sandy Whiting - Headlight
22. Kodi Ann Phillips - Abbey
23. Sydnee Golightly - Fred
24. Dani Howard - Copper
25. Kim Layne - George
26. Katie Austin - Stretch
36. Kiara Wanner - Hitch
37. Hailee Jenson - Red
38. Megan Morgan - Ryon
39. Callie Smith - Beachnut
40. Lacey Boehme - Blue Bell
44. Ashley Coats - Sunny
45. Brooke Winward - Reddy

Youth Poles
1. Kelsey Hillman - Bulls Eye
2. Rayleigh Barnes - Jazzy
3. Myka Beckstead - Mosey
4. Kodi Ann Phillips - Abbey
5. Jacee Winward - Ticker
6. Rayson Hillman - Roanie
7. Brock Alder - Ruger
8. Taylor Golightly - Gray
16. Kelsey Hillman - Missy

Open Poles
1. Megan Morgan - Misty
2. Kallee Warren - Dude
3. Brooke Winward - Cowboy
4. Brook Layne - Pony Tah