Points have been updated on the website down to the top 10 in each division. They are located on the right-hand side of the website under 2014 Points. If you would like the full results with all points, email statelinejackpot@gmail.com with a request for the Excel sheets.
Remember that you must attend at least 5 jackpots to be eligible for year-end awards. Ties will be broken by total number of jackpots attended, then by total monies earned. Points are assessed on a horse-rider combination per event per division. Points are only accumulated AFTER your membership fees have been paid and a membership form has been filled out.
If you think there is an error in points, please email statelinejackpot@gmail.com with your concern.
Also remember to enter up now (by email) for the Tremonton jackpot on Monday! You may also enter by phone by calling or texting 435-232-0775 between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday night ONLY. Late entries will be put at the bottom of the draw. **We will be running in the large OUTDOOR arena!**