The awards banquet will be on October 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Robinson Building at Franklin County (Preston) Fairgrounds. All members get their meals FREE!! All non-members/guests will be charged $7 per plate/person.
The meat and potatoes for the meal will be catered. We ask that all members' families bring a side dish according to your last name:
*A-L - please bring a dessert
*M-Z - please bring a side dish/salad
There will be raffle prizes, door prizes, sweatshirts (for members), and awards given at the banquet.
Because the meat and potatoes are being catered, please RSVP so we have an accurate count. (Last year, we were short on meals because there were more people that showed than had previously reserved their spot. Please give an accurate count so everyone will get food.
Thanks and see you at the banquet!
**RSVP by Thursday, October 10 with the amount of people in your party.