Entries are now being taken for the jackpot Monday in Tremonton. If the weather is good it will be in the outdoor arena if not we will use the indoor.
E-mail your entry to stateline@plmw.com.
Information to include:
Your name
Name of your horse
Event (open barrel, open poles, youth barrels, youth poles, time only barrels, time only poles)
Telephone #
We will run time only barrels before the jackpot as time permits. They will be on a first come first serve basis. (pre-enter) Please let us know when you enter if you want before or after the jackpot.
Order will be the same as last year.
Time only barrels before 5:00 to 6:00
Jackpot to begin at 6:30
Youth Barrels
Open Barrels
Youth Poles
Open Poles
Time Only Poles
Time Only Barrels
Can't wait to see everyone. Be sure to spread the word and tell your friends!